the audio streaming series

Raspberry Pi 5 - NEWS: Allo HATs revived

Just to let you know.

I had opened a Trouble Ticket related to the serious Allo driver

issues ( on RPi5

about 3 weeks ago.

Basically all HAT devices were affected that've been making use of the Allo drivers (some companies are piggybacking on these existing drivers to avoid writing their own drivers). The main issues were related to I2C communication with attached devices. I2C is needed to e.g. control volume or filters on the HATs supporting it - intelligent HATs. The RPi5 caused major changes in that I2C department.

For about 3 weeks there's been troubleshooting ongoing to get these Allo HATs back to life on a RPi5.

It's done now. I've got my little ones back to work. Perhaps it'll take some time that the still hot corrections make it into the field out there. Be patient.

Since the whole audio stack got reshuffled there might be a chance that other devices that were failing might face a 2nd life too.



  1. Hi Klaus,
    that´s great news, thanks a lot for keeping us updated and for sharing your great work with the community :)
    I am wondering... was Allo involved in the process of the driver update? They seem kind of hard to reach for a couple of years now?
    All the best & Regards,

    1. It was just me pushing to get the Allo devices and the devices that make use of these drivers (InnoMaker) going. Allo is no longer existing if I am not mistaken.

  2. Thanks a lot for the quick reply and clarification!
